Surround Yourself
with People
Who Believe In You

ManCaveMavericks is about human bonding, mutual interests and the time to retreat. ManCaveMavericks is also about you. You have found a potential niche that's finally worth a diversion from your computer desks and possibly setting you free from the mundane.
"When mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, happiness is the natural result" Deepak Chopra
Bringing wellness and harmony through activities is a part of MancaveMavericks' mission and you are welcome to participate and share this mission together.
Keep the mind, body and spirit in harmony with activities: Sometimes one longs for exciting challenges and new things to do, other times good relaxation, inspiration, or have great connections and conversations with others. Then there could be times when the mood is blue, one is emotionally drained and perhaps healing time is needed along with empathy and encouragement from fellow humans.
"People, people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world..." Bob Merrill
Apparently, you are the luckiest, when you open yourself to others, not surprising since people, by nature need each other's support and company every now and then, it doesn't matter who you are and where you live.
It is ultimately an effort on your part to connect with others, so if you take the first step by joining us, ManCaveMavericks has got your back as a place for you to open up, be supportive of others and vice versa!
"There is simply no pill that can replace human connection. There is no pharmacy that can fill the need for compassionate interaction with others." Dr. Joanne Cacciatore
When we take time to sit back and reflect, we all know, how we need others. And, we need happiness too, as life should be fun and people should be happy!
While it is unavoidable life sometimes can be hectic and taxing, your stress can be countered with good mental distractions - by engaging yourself in leisure activities among friends.
If work has caused you to over-utilize a part of your brain so much that you have been neglecting the other portions, how about restoring the balance by having a breather. Get a dose of your favorite recreational activities which stimulate that space you've been neglecting.
Join ManCaveMavericks!
Plan your schedule. Join the group. Put us in your calendar and get connected at ManCave!
ManCaveMavericks is about life, experiences and friendships.
ManCaveMavericks is also about you. As we celebrate life together, we celebrate growth together.

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!
Notes To All:
Apart from being 18 years and above, most (if not all) of the activities have no age limit - people of every age can benefit from connecting and sharing. In other words, no matter being in your 20's or 50 and over, there is always something new to learn from sharing and listening. Join in if you are open to connect as well as being constructive to the sharing of others. You should not have any concern about attending solo, Just come - with good intentions.
Different meetings, different interests - there's a saying: "Only men can really know what it is like to be a man." In this case - men with the same interest know each other best. Join even if just being in a group makes you happy, guys who have each other's back, as it were in the days where survival were built upon trusted friends of integrity - that said, time and effort to be put in first to honor such values.
Please forgive if the group you participated in has not developed into as many participants as you would expect; sometimes it is important to not let the lack of participants prevent an activity from taking place so let's just roll off to gain momentum. On the other hand, some groups function better when remaining small; therefore, will be subjected to a limited number of participants, and for that, your kind co-operation is appreciated.
Next, please note that small meetings will mostly be hosted at a home. Let's start from here, make do with what we have and build up gradually. Bigger meetings however need bigger spaces - having to seek a lease would also mean a slightly higher participation fee.
Do also take note of the Rules and Regulations. Thank you!
Your Host, Mancave Mavericks

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!