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Just like any middle age but a lot smarter and way cooler

Non-uncle welcome too, just be awesome

Awesome Uncles Tea Drinking Session

7.00pm. Meet

7.30pm. Intro, mingle, chat

8.15pm. Tea drinking begins

10.00pm. Done


Date/TIme: TBD


Fee: TBD

Location: TBD

Current Status:

Express interest to Get Activity Started:

= Non Active Yet

= Almost. Still need more response

= Coming Soon. Watchout!

= ON! Book Now!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season. 
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers! 

Not Born Yesterday!

Meetings for the smart and savvy adults


Tonight's Topic: Welcoming, table topics to start off this meeting.

Conversation is the centre of the gathering. Take turns to facilitate the sessions. Facilitator will steer interesting topics. The laidback conversational approach of the meeting might spark ideas for better adult life and living.

Date & Time: TBD (7pm - 9pm)

Fee: $5 per session

Where: At someone's home.
Limited space available.

Current Status:

Express interest to Get Activity Started:

= Non Active Yet

= Almost. Still need more response

= Coming Soon. Watchout!

= ON! Ready for Booking!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season. 
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers! 

Fitness in Your Power

Do whatever possible in uncle power w/o screaming IPPT PTIs


Less pressure! No showing off! NON-judgemental! Just nice bros timing each other and having everyone inspired through group training. Meeting last around 1hr. We are doing 15 Minutes total body boot camp HIIT workout. Freedom to you in tracking your progressions throughout the sessions. 

Dress Code: Sports attire

Date & Time: TBD (1-1.5hr Duration)

Fee: TBD

Where: TBD

Current Status:

Express interest to Get Activity Started:

= Non Active Yet

= Almost. Still need more response

= Coming Soon. Watchout!

= ON! Book Now!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season. 
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers! 


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