Do Anything or Nothing and Still Have the Best Time

Fun sharing sessions on anything or nothing. Facilitator steers the group along as everyone discusses and shares table topics.
Date & Time: Check your inbox/Whatsapp if you have "expressed interest".
Fees: $5 per session
Where: At someone's home.
Limited space available.
0-Alcohol 0-Date 0-Sex 0-Stress = INNOCENT FUN!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!

Brunch. Good company, good vibes and tea.
Date & Time: TBD
Fee: $0, Go Dutch
Where: TBD
*Only for previous participants of other ManCaveMavericks activities.
= Non Active Yet
= Almost. Still need more response
= Coming Soon. Watchout!
= ON! Ready for Booking!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!

Humor Therapy
A fun meeting where we laugh at each other's joke​, what a way to unwind! Get your jokes ready and take turn to share during the meeting. Don't have to be a talented stand-up comedian to join, just come as you are and have fun! BYOB&F (bring your own beverages and food).
Date & Time: 7pm - 9pm
Fee: $5 per session
Where: At someone's home.
Limited space available.
= Non Active Yet
= Almost. Still need more response
= Coming Soon. Watchout!
= ON! Ready for Booking!

Meeting Season Closed
Thank you for your interest/participations in the ManCaveMavericks Summer2018 meetings!
All meetings are now closed until the next season.
Check back here to stay in the loop for meetings in the upcoming season. Cheers!
Mingle, Chat, Sing, Drink!
This meeting is only for guys who have previously joined other ManCaveMavericks activities.
Date: TBD
Fee: 0, Go Dutch/Share cost
Location: TBD, Suggestions Welcome
= Non Active Yet
= Almost. Still need more response
= Coming Soon. Watchout!
= ON! Ready for Booking!